Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Natural Science for Elementary School

In science, the term natural science refers to a naturalistic approach to the study of the universe, which is understood as obeying rules or laws of natural origin.
The term natural science is also used to distinguish those fields that use a scientific method to study nature from the social sciences, which use a scientific method to study human behavior and society; from the formal sciences, such as mathematics and logic, which use a different (a priori) methodology and from the humanities.

Natural sciences are the basis for applied sciences. Together, the natural and applied sciences are distinguished from the social sciences on the one hand, and the humanities on the other. Though mathematics, statistics, and computer science are not considered natural sciences (mathematics traditionally considered among the liberal arts and statistics among the humanities, for instance), they provide many tools and frameworks used within the natural sciences.

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Alongside this traditional usage, the phrase natural sciences is also sometimes used more narrowly to refer to natural history. In this sense "natural sciences" may refer to the biology and perhaps also the earth sciences, as distinguished from the physical sciences, including astronomy, physics, and chemistry.
Within the natural sciences, the term hard science is sometimes used to describe those subfields which some people view as relying on experimental, quantifiable data or the scientific method and focus on accuracy and objectivity. These usually include physics, chemistry and biology. By contrast, soft science is often used to describe the scientific fields that are more reliant on qualitative research, including the social sciences.
In ancient and medieval times, the objective study of nature was known as natural philosophy. In late medieval and early modern times, a philosophical interpretation of nature was gradually replaced by a scientific approach using inductive methodology. The works of Ibn al-Haytham and Sir Francis Bacon popularized this approach, thereby helping to forge the scientific revolution.


Natural Science for Middle School

Branches of natural science

This discipline is the science of celestial objects and phenomena that originate outside the Earth's atmosphere. It is concerned with the evolution, physics, chemistry, meteorology, and motion of celestial objects, as well as the formation and development of the universe.
Astronomy includes the examination, study and modeling of stars, planets, comets, galaxies and the cosmos. Most of the information used by astronomers is gathered by remote observation, although some laboratory reproduction of celestial phenomenon has been performed (such as the molecular chemistry of the interstellar medium).
While the origins of the study of celestial features and phenomenon can be traced back to antiquity, the scientific methodology of this field began to develop in the middle of the 17th century. A key factor was Galileo's introduction of the telescope to examine the night sky in more detail.
The mathematical treatment of astronomy began with Newton's development of celestial mechanics and the laws of gravitation, although it was triggered by earlier work of astronomers such as Kepler. By the 19th century, astronomy had developed into a formal science, with the introduction of instruments such as the spectroscope and photography, along with much-improved telescopes and the creation of professional observatories.
This field encompasses a set of disciplines that examines phenomena related to living organisms. The scale of study can range from sub-component biophysics up to complex ecologies. Biology is concerned with the characteristics, classification and behaviors of organisms, as well as how species were formed and their interactions with each other and the environment.
The biological fields of botany, zoology, and medicine date back to early periods of civilization, while microbiology was introduced in the 17th century with the invention of the microscope. However, it was not until the 19th century that biology became a unified science. Some key developments in biology were the discovery of genetics; Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection; the germ theory of disease and the application of the techniques of chemistry and physics at the level of the cell or organic molecule.
Modern biology is divided into subdisciplines by the type of organism and by the scale being studied. Molecular biology is the study of the fundamental chemistry of life, while cellular biology is the examination of the cell; the basic building block of all life. At a higher level, physiology looks at the internal structure of organism, while ecology looks at how various organisms interrelate.
Constituting the scientific study of matter at the atomic and molecular scale, chemistry deals primarily with collections of atoms, such as gases, molecules, crystals, and metals. The composition, statistical properties, transformations and reactions of these materials are studied. Chemistry also involves understanding the properties and interactions of individual atoms for use in larger-scale applications.
Most chemical processes can be studied directly in a laboratory, using a series of (often well-tested) techniques for manipulating materials, as well as an understanding of the underlying processes. Chemistry is often called "the central science" because of its role in connecting the other natural sciences.
Early experiments in chemistry had their roots in the system of Alchemy, a set of beliefs combining mysticism with physical experiments. The science of chemistry began to develop with the work of Robert Boyle, the discoverer of gas, and Antoine Lavoisier, who developed the theory of the Conservation of mass.
The discovery of the chemical elements and the concept of Atomic Theory began to systematize this science, and researchers developed a fundamental understanding of states of matter, ions, chemical bonds and chemical reactions. The success of this science led to a complementary chemical industry that now plays a significant role in the world economy.
Earth science
Earth science (also known as geoscience, the geosciences or the Earth Sciences), is an all-embracing term for the sciences related to the planet Earth, including geology, geophysics, hydrology, meteorology, physical geography, oceanography, and soil science.
Although mining and precious stones have been human interests throughout the history of civilization, the development of the related sciences of economic geology and mineralogy did not occur until the 18th century. The study of the earth, particularly palaeontology, blossomed in the 19th century. The growth of other disciplines, such as geophysics, in the 20th century led to the development of the theory of plate tectonics in the 1960s, which has had a similar effect on the Earth sciences as the theory of evolution had on biology. Earth sciences today are closely linked to climate research and the petroleum and mineral exploration industries.
Physics embodies the study of the fundamental constituents of the universe, the forces and interactions they exert on one another, and the results produced by these interactions. In general, physics is regarded as the fundamental science, because all other natural sciences use and obey the principles and laws set down by the field. Physics relies heavily on mathematics as the logical framework for formulation and quantification of principles. The study of the principles of the universe has a long history and largely derives from direct observation and experimentation. The formulation of theories about the governing laws of the universe has been central to the study of physics from very early on, with philosophy gradually yielding to systematic, quantitative experimental testing and observation as the source of verification. Key historical developments in physics include Isaac Newton's theory of universal gravitation and classical mechanics, an understanding of electricity and its relation to magnetism, Einstein's theories of special and general relativity, the development of thermodynamics, and the quantum mechanical model of atomic and subatomic physics The field of physics is extremely broad, and can include such diverse studies as quantum mechanics and theoretical physics, applied physics and optics. Modern physics is becoming increasingly specialized, where researchers tend to focus on a particular area rather than being "universalists" like Albert Einstein and Lev Landau, who worked in multiple areas.

Atmospheric science
Though sometimes considered in conjunction with the earth sciences, due to the independent development of its concepts, techniques and practices and also the fact of it having a wide range of sub disciplines under its wing, the atmospheric science is also considered a separate branch of natural science. This field studies the characteristics of different layers of the atmosphere from near ground level to the edge of the space. The timescale of study also varies from days to centuries. Sometimes the field also includes the study of climatic patterns on planets other than earth.

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The serious study of oceans began in the early to mid 1900s. As a field of natural science, it is relatively young but stand-alone programs offer specializations in the subject. Though some controversies remain as to the categorization of the field under earth sciences, interdisciplinary sciences or as a separate field in its own right, most modern workers in the field agree that it has matured to a state that it has its own paradigms and practices. As such a big family of related studies spanning every aspect of the oceans is now classified under this field.

Materials sciences
Originally developed through the field of metallurgy, the study of the properties of materials has now expanded into many materials other than metals. A current opinion is that this field deserves to be treated as a field in its own right now. It studies different kinds of materials like metals, metalloids, ceramics, artificial polymers, and many other kinds of materials.
Interdisciplinary studies
The distinctions between the natural science disciplines are not always sharp, and they share a number of cross-discipline fields. Physics plays a significant role in the other natural sciences, as represented by astrophysics, geophysics, chemical physics and biophysics. Likewise chemistry is represented by such fields as biochemistry, geochemistry and astrochemistry.
A particular example of a scientific discipline that draws upon multiple natural sciences is environmental science. This field studies the interactions of physical, chemical and biological components of the environment, with a particular regard to the effect of human activities and the impact on biodiversity and sustainability. This science also draws upon expertise from other fields such as economics, law and social sciences.
A comparable discipline is oceanography, as it draws upon a similar breadth of scientific disciplines. Oceanography is sub-categorized into more specialized cross-disciplines, such as physical oceanography and marine biology. As the marine ecosystem is very large and diverse, marine biology is further divided into many subfields, including specializations in particular species.
There are also a subset of cross-disciplinary fields which, by the nature of the problems that they address, have strong currents that run counter to specialization. Put another way: In some fields of integrative application, specialists in more than one field are a key part of most dialog. Such integrative fields, for example, include nanoscience, astrobiology, and complex system informatics.


Monday, February 28, 2011

Soal IPA UN SD 2009

Fundamental physical laws state that all mass is made from energy. The differing forms of energy, such as mechanical, electrical, electromagnetic, kinetic, thermal or nuclear energy, are interchangeable and can be transformed between each other. At the same time, only a part of the primary energy can be transformed into so-called secondary energy. A large part of primary energy is lost or wasted as unusable energy, for example in the form of wasted heat, to the surrounding environment. It is possible to change secondary energy back into its original state but even this process is subject to transformation losses. Energy losses are even noticeable during the transport of energy and such losses are referred to as transport losses.

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Download Questions of IPA for UN SD/MI (Elementary School)

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During all transformation processes, we strive to maintain the energy losses associated with it to a minimum. The transformation from one form of energy into another is part of our daily lives. For example, a light bulb transforms the electrical energy passing through it into light radiation emitted into its surrounding environment. However, the basis of many kinds of energy transformation, such as with the partitioning of nuclei, can be much more complex physical or chemical processes.All our economies are based on the use of primary and secondary energies. Without different forms of energy, no machinery could exist in industry, commerce, transportation, nor even in the home. Our modern world would simply not exist without energy.Money reading is the ability of man to make predictions about future events and give interpretation of historical events in the life of man. Psychic reading is as old as humanity itself. The practice of horoscope reading started as a result of mans quest to give meaning to his life. The world in which man found himself is a mysterious one. Man uses psychic reading as a means to explain certain occurrence is his life like the untimely death of a loved one or some natural disaster that is beyond.Astrology reading when put side by side with the natural seems to have the same objectives and similar methods. However science and psychic reading differ greatly in many aspects.Science is the systematic study of the physical and natural world. Science restricts its activities on the physical realm and does not claim to operate on the metaphysical realm as psychic readers.Horoscope reading has been criticized by critics largely because it does not follow the method of the natural science. Psychic reading lacks empirical verification. The compliance of psychic reading to the method of natural science makes some to raise objection to the practice of clairvoyant reading. No scientific explanation has been able to explain beyond reasonable doubt the authenticity of the practice of the psychic readers. They study of astrology reading by some scientists showed that psychic readers' claims are nothing but illusions and psychic reading is nothing but exploitative. What psychic readers are using is more or less a trial and error method. Some of the psychic readers use personality analysis to predict human behavior since the knowledge of personality analysis improves self awareness.


Soal IPA UN SMP 2009

Natural sciences are sometimes called the hard sciences. These are subjects such as chemistry, physics, astronomy, biology, earth science, atmospheric science, materials science, and oceanography.
These fields all study the world and how it works.
Chemistry is the study of matter. When you study chemistry, you learn about what makes up matter, atoms. You learn about atomic structure and how molecules form and bond. You learn how matter reacts and changes state.
Earth science is the study of planet Earth. This field studies soil, geology, minerals, rocks, precious stones, plate tectonics and volcanoes, among other topics.

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Physics is the study of what composes the universe and how the forces interact with matter and each other.
Astronomy is the study of the formation and development of the universe, planets, comets, stars, galaxies, celestial mechanics, red shift, blue shift, and everything else that happens in space.
Biology is the study of living things. How to bodies work? Social science
Social sciences still use the same methodologies as natural sciences. Data is found and analyzed. The biggest difference for social sciences is, however, that social sciences deal with people.
Anthropology deals with how people interact with other people and how our cultures work.
Archaeology studies remnants of buried civilizations.
Economics is the study of money, the production of goods, and the distribution of those goods.
Human geography studies how humans are distributed on the earth and how we change and manage the earth.
Education can be a science too. People study which methods are best for learning.
History is the study of the past. Since history requires the written records and anything before then is prehistory, history is also the study of people-people of the past.
Linguistics is the study of human language. How did language develop? When do kids learn to speak? How do we learn multiple languages? How does language evolve over time?
Political science deals with politics. Politics concerns itself about how stuff is distributed among people. Psychology is the study of our brains. Sociology is the study of our societies and how people relate and interact with each other. How do humans behave in society?


Soal IPA UN SMP 2010

In science, the term natural science refers to a naturalistic approach to the study of the universe, which is understood as obeying rules or laws of natural origin.
The term natural science is also used to distinguish those fields that use a scientific method to study nature from the social sciences, which use a scientific method to study human behavior and society; from the formal sciences, such as mathematics and logic, which use a different (a priori) methodology and from the humanities.

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Download Questions of IPA for UN SMP

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Science is a thought process combined with data. But, what is a natural science and what is a social science?
What is science?
Science, all science, the process of gaining knowledge through experimentation. Science is a methodology used to understand our world.
Natural sciences and social sciences are different only in what they study.
Natural sciences
Natural sciences are sometimes called the hard sciences. These are subjects such as chemistry, physics, astronomy, biology, earth science, atmospheric science, materials science, and oceanography.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Theory of IPA UN SMP

Natural sciences are sometimes called the hard sciences. These are subjects such as chemistry, physics, astronomy, biology, earth science, atmospheric science, materials science, and oceanography.
These fields all study the world and how it works.
Chemistry is the study of matter. When you study chemistry, you learn about what makes up matter, atoms. You learn about atomic structure and how molecules form and bond. You learn how matter reacts and changes state.
Earth science is the study of planet Earth. This field studies soil, geology, minerals, rocks, precious stones, plate tectonics and volcanoes, among other topics.
Physics is the study of what composes the universe and how the forces interact with matter and each other.

Download Theory of IPA UN SMP 2011 according to grid UN 2010/2011

Astronomy is the study of the formation and development of the universe, planets, comets, stars, galaxies, celestial mechanics, red shift, blue shift, and everything else that happens in space.
Biology is the study of living things. How to bodies work? Social science
Social sciences still use the same methodologies as natural sciences. Data is found and analyzed. The biggest difference for social sciences is, however, that social sciences deal with people.
Anthropology deals with how people interact with other people and how our cultures work.
Archaeology studies remnants of buried civilizations.
Economics is the study of money, the production of goods, and the distribution of those goods.
Human geography studies how humans are distributed on the earth and how we change and manage the earth.
Education can be a science too. People study which methods are best for learning.
History is the study of the past. Since history requires the written records and anything before then is prehistory, history is also the study of people-people of the past.
Linguistics is the study of human language. How did language develop? When do kids learn to speak? How do we learn multiple languages? How does language evolve over time?
Political science deals with politics. Politics concerns itself about how stuff is distributed among people. Psychology is the study of our brains. Sociology is the study of our societies and how people relate and interact with each other. How do humans behave in society?
So, again, the natural sciences deal with the study of the universe and the earth. Social sciences deal with people.
Fundamental physical laws state that all mass is made from energy. The differing forms of energy, such as mechanical, electrical, electromagnetic, kinetic, thermal or nuclear energy, are interchangeable and can be transformed between each other. At the same time, only a part of the primary energy can be transformed into so-called secondary energy. A large part of primary energy is lost or wasted as unusable energy, for example in the form of wasted heat, to the surrounding environment. It is possible to change secondary energy back into its original state but even this process is subject to transformation losses. Energy losses are even noticeable during the transport of energy and such losses are referred to as transport losses.


Theory of IPA UN SD

In science, the term natural science refers to a naturalistic approach to the study of the universe, which is understood as obeying rules or laws of natural origin.
The term natural science is also used to distinguish those fields that use a scientific method to study nature from the social sciences, which use a scientific method to study human behavior and society; from the formal sciences, such as mathematics and logic, which use a different (a priori) methodology and from the humanities.

Download Theory of IPA UN SD 2011 according to grid UN 2010/2011

  1. A Brief Theory of IPA UN SD

  2. Content Guide IPA UN SD

  3. Problem Specification IPA UN SD

  4. Simulation Problem IPA UN SD

Science is a thought process combined with data. But, what is a natural science and what is a social science?
What is science?
Science, all science, the process of gaining knowledge through experimentation. Science is a methodology used to understand our world.
Natural sciences and social sciences are different only in what they study.
Natural sciences
Natural sciences are sometimes called the hard sciences. These are subjects such as chemistry, physics, astronomy, biology, earth science, atmospheric science, materials science, and oceanography.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Online Social Science Degrees

The study of Social Sciences can be a pretty interesting field, especially when you enjoy researching facts and keeping tabs on current events. And the Internet has become a hub of information for scientists and researchers, making it easier to obtain facts and opinions. If you find analyzing historical facts and their effects in the short-term and long-term composition of societies interesting, then you should enroll in a Social Science course.

Students can now earn undergraduate and graduate degrees in their chosen fields, and even go so far as to earn a doctorate title in any of the social sciences disciplines or a certificate on one of the short courses. Different academic institutions are expanding into the online degree programs to reach out to more students who must juggle work, family, and education and to provide students with the chance to pursue education without having to leave their respective states.
The field of Social Sciences has a wide scope of disciplines, and all of them are available in online degree programs offered by various universities and colleges. The fields include Criminal Justice Degrees; History Degrees; Law Degrees; Paralegal Degrees; Political Science Degrees; Public Administration Degrees; Public Policy and Administration (PPA) Degrees; Sociology Degrees; Social Work Degrees; and Interdisciplinary Degrees; among others.
Graduates of any Social Science degree program may establish careers in the government as policymakers and researchers or in corporations whose core competency is research of population demands and market behavior.


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