Sunday, February 13, 2011

Drill of IPA UN Exam SMP Pack 4

The common sense natural nutrition advice of our great-grandmothers and generations of tradition has been replaced by modern nutritional science. We now look to outside "experts" - diet books, journalists, the media, scientists, nutritionists - to tell us what to eat. Are eggs a bad source of cholesterol or a good source of protein? Is butter a "good" fat or a "bad" fat? Is pasta a good source of carbohydrates or is it too refined? What is its glycemic index?

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We no longer think and speak in terms of food, such as bread, vegetables, and meat, but rather in nutritional components - carbohydrates, proteins, essential fatty acids, omega 3s, and phytonutrients. What was once a simple natural process, eating, has become a complicated challenge.
The truth is that eating is simple when you return to a natural way of eating. Natural nutrition advice could not be simpler. All you have to do is eat a wide variety of real foods, especially fruits and vegetables, in moderation. Humans ate this way for thousands of years and it worked for them. They thrived on a wide variety of traditional diets depending on what was local and available - some diets were high in protein, some were high in fat, and others were high in carbohydrates. All of the diets worked because they consisted of real whole foods.
As omnivores, we are designed to be able to eat a wide variety of foods. There is no one way to eat, no perfect diet, as long as that diet consists of real food. You may feel good when you eat red meat, but your neighbor may feel better eating rice and beans. The best natural nutrition advice comes from your body, from its symptoms and energy levels.
In parts of the world where people continue to eat traditional diets chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity and heart disease are much less prevalent.
However, there is one diet that is making lots of people sick. It is causing high rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. That is the standard modern American diet. The problem with this modern diet is that most of us are eating way too much highly processed refined food and very little real food, especially fruits and vegetables. No amount of modern nutritional science can change this simple natural nutritional truth.


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