Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Drill of IPS Terpadu for UM UPI

Social Science is basically a study about human behavior and reactions in various environments. Humans are the social creatures who mix up with others and feel themselves secure and safe when they are in groups. They feel more comfortable in communities and communicating with others. Interacting with others makes them secure and easy while knowing others thoughts and reactions.

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There is one such branch in social science which is important and is called as body language. This is one of the most interesting and vital language to study. You can feel more confident and easy when you know the art of reading gestures. This is the language which reveals the hidden messages which cannot be communicated.
Many times it is difficult to speak out certain things, but a person close to you can understand it while just looking at your body language. Many times criminals are monitored by the experts in the field and identified whether they are telling a lie or truth.
Many times you might be trying to hide your emotions and feelings but your body language says it all about you. Your loved ones and close friends know from your body language about your stress and tension. Body language is a language that also makes it easy for you to communicate in the communities. More and more people are engaging in non verbal communications which can be only identified and recognized if you know some art of understanding the body language.
Understanding it is must to decode the unsaid non verbal communications, emotions and other thoughts. With the little art and tactics you can easily read the mind and body of the person when they are in front of you. You can read their mind even when they want to hide it and do not speak it verbally. You can sense the emotions that are hiding behind their body while their body speaks it all.


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